A Louisiana man has been found dead in a local canal after his dog was found sitting near where his empty boat was found.
As the German right ascends, the nation is still grappling with its fascist past — and how to handle its remains.
Percilla Poole said she is in shock and disbelief about what happened Saturday afternoon between her son, Le Mar Manassa Jr., ...
THIS is the heartbreaking moment a pet dog jumped into its dead owner’s coffin for a final goodbye at the funeral. The ...
A Myrtle Beach Police report of the shooting determined the incident as “justifiable homicide.” The man’s family has many questions about the investigation.
Israeli assailant crashes car into bus shelter, seriously injures soldier and steals his gun, kills Moshe Horan, 85; is shot ...
After taking Daniel Wilhelmina’s wallet and cellphone, the pair — one of whom was quickly arrested — only used the credit cards inside the wallet to buy a pair of sneakers and a bottle of ...
Hear a conversation recorded inside a Brooklyn funeral home. It's owned by Doris Amen. She and a fellow funeral director ...