SUNSET: The spring season of Sunset at the Landing Concerts begin Mar. 21 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the foot of Columbia ...
Enjoy the music you miss from the 1970s, ‘80s and ‘90s by seeing “I Love the Nightlife,” written by local theater veterans ...
Female bass fresh off spawning beds, for instance, will often turn on their young hatchlings (known as fry) and eat them. The male bass ... Bass will eat crayfish year-round, but this forage ...
Otters’ diets typically include fish, crayfish, crabs, frogs ... When it comes to mating, the male will hold onto the female otter and bite deeply on her nose and face, which can cause cuts and gouges ...
Every individual marbled crayfish is female, and they reproduce solely through a process called parthenogenesis. This means that these crayfish can produce offspring without the need for fertilization ...
Kentucky Lake’s fishing scene battled another spell of unstable weather recently as the roller coaster continued to deliver a ...
In 2014, a 20-foot, 11-year-old python named Thelma, that lived full-time with another female snake, produced around 61 eggs despite no exposure to a male in two years. In 1995, a German aquarium ...
Food sources: Crayfish, small fish, aquatic and terrestrial insects ... Nests are built on gravel bars in three to 20 feet of water. The male drives a ripe female to the nest. After she lays her eggs, ...
From the earliest days of recorded blues, female musicians and singers have ... to-be-messed with persona that earned the respect of male peers such as guitarist Johnny Shines, who commented, ...
Food Sources: Crustaceans, insects, crayfish, frogs, and fish ... After fertilization, the male drives the female and any other intruders from the nest until the eggs hatch and the fry leave. Fry swim ...
Some male octopuses tend to get eaten by their sexual partners, but male blue-lined octopuses avoid this fate with help from ...
Using a closeup lens, Chung noticed that the female would be immobilized and stop breathing for around an hour, giving the ...