Comparative algorithms help landlords bring rentals to market more quickly and encourage more housing development.
The proposal said Afro House will be converted into “POC graduate reentry housing for students 25+ years old.” ...
In a scathing report the $1.8 billion accounting error where a Senate Finance panel recommended removal of Treasurer Curtis Loftis, the report said the treasurer is in violation of federal law. The ...
Although Annie has a new mate for a new season, bird flu has devastated the United States for far too long. It’s killed off ...
You’re also likely to see more sunshine than rain in Berkeley. It averages 256 sunny days per year and only 67 rainy days, ...
The joint venture paid $45M for four properties in the Boston area, and it plans to buy more manufacturing and tough tech ...
Oakland officials say they plan to close two homeless shelters at the end of June. But the sites’ nonprofit operator claims ...
SC Treasurer is accused of violating federal law and state's trust after $1.8 billion accounting error. The report also ...
CalFire released its fourth and final round of color-coded hazard maps. Different colors come with different rules.
Oakland voters have a provocative choice in next month's special election for mayor, as longtime former Rep. Barbara Lee ...
Signed by National Front, a white supremacist group, the letter came to Harry Edwards in the late 1960s, just as his demands ...
Prince George’s County Public Schools says a school bus driver accused of speeding and overtaking another driver is still employed with them.