Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, more commonly known as H5N1 or bird flu, claimed its first human victim in the United States earlier this month. In the past year, it's resulted in the deaths of ...
CHARLESTON, W.Va. –As the ongoing threat of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza or the bird flu rises, the West Virginia ...
Nebraska Department of Agriculture announced on Thursday that the first cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza or bird ...
The first cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza — bird flu — have been detected this year in Nebraska flocks.
The Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA), in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Wildlife Services ...
Poultry veterinarian Dr. Don Reynolds said producers may not know their birds have been infected until it's too late.
"The avian influenza outbreak on the mainland is another example of why food security in Hawai‘i is so important. Supporting ...
Public health officials in Ontario and Yates counties are investigating a potential outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian ...
A Caroline County poultry farm is urging the community to take avian influenza seriously following confirmed cases in the ...
In related developments, West Virginia officials suspended poultry exhibitions and Massachusetts warned of sick and dead ...
Health officials in Ontario and Yates counties say there is no cause for immediate alarm; infections in the Finger Lakes bird population is not new.
Poultry veterinarian Dr. Don Reynolds said producers may not know their birds have been infected until it's too late.