The Royal Hospital Chelsea as a home for old soldiers has always been associated with warfare. The Second World War however represents a unique chapter in the history of the institution as the ...
Cian Manning author of ‘I Love Me County’ provides a brief history of Waterford and its legacy. The Gentle County, Waterford, can boast a proud sporting tradition. It is as long as it is varied. It’s ...
This is the last book in the trilogy that started with my great great grandmother, Hannah Hall in the 1820’s as she re-located with her family to a new coal mine opening up in Hetton-le-Hole, County ...
E.J. HOUNSLOW served as junior officer with P&O before joining the Civil Service, where a great deal of his time was spent with the British Armed Forces working on joint civil/military planning. On ...
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Ian Hembrow, author of CELSIUS – A Life And Death By Degrees, reveals the bigger story behind the world’s increasingly frequent and ferocious summer wildfires. As I watched the television news, an ...
Back then, the word was a term used, not always positively, for those who lived unconventional lives. One of the most famous was Isabel Rawsthorne: artist, spy, pornographer, model and muse for some ...
“Strangely I wasn’t scared, I probably should have been, but I was eighteen years old at the time and because we were half-expecting war to be announced I remember feeling quite calm.” This is Flight ...
Winston Churchill and the Worst Naval Catastrophe of the First World War ...
How Britain took one small boy and hundreds of treasures from Ethiopia ...
The Story of the Coronation and what it Meant for Britain ...
Briggens House, SOE’s Forgery and Polish Elite Agent Training Station ...