Leading up to the November 5 elections, pollsters identified seven battleground states with polls within a few percentage ...
A Democrat and a Republican are vying for a seat in the Minnesota House of Representatives in a special election that could ...
Map of election results. Use arrow keys to move around the map. Press Enter to view state-level map. Counties are colored red or blue when the % expected vote reporting reaches a set threshold.
How well do you know the United States? These 20 maps offer an overview of the economy ... Immigration and border control are ...
Kamala Harris of the Democrat party has 75,012,178 votes (48.3%) Donald Trump of the Republican party has 77,302,416 votes (49.8%) This map ... in the US election? Path to 270: The states Harris ...
The United States has had 60 presidential elections, starting in 1789. New parties have come and gone, while new states expanded the electoral map. Maps show us how each state has voted over time ...
US state prediction map for the 2024 election using Betfair Exchange odds to percentages. Numbers represent each state's electoral college seats - to win the election the candidate needs a ...
In many states in the 2024 election, the presidential candidate who snags the winner's share of electoral votes is unlikely to be a surprise. But across seven swing states – stretching from the ...
Never in modern history has a US presidential ... Belt battleground states: Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona and Nevada. The majority of voters will go to the polls on Election Day, but many ...
This map of the US states was filled in as presidential results were called. It shows huge swathes of the country coloured red for Republicans including much of the south, mid and north west regions.