Water-absorbing beads have become increasingly hazardous ... The abstract, "The Hidden Dangers: Superabsorbent Polymer (SAP) ...
Biologists have discovered a low-cost way to more easily study the detailed makeup of plant cells. The ultimate goal is to help grow better crops, improving food security.
We actually find them in everyday products, such as in baby diapers, because they can absorb large amounts ... the researchers use a polymer that absorbs water during the cooler nighttime hours ...
First, they submerged the samples in a hydrogel solution containing small compounds that behave as liquid until they link up into polymer chains that absorb water and congeal into a gel. These ...
Hydrogels are built from 3D networks of long polymer molecules that absorb and hold water, making them useful for everything from soft robotics to nappies. But at temperatures at which water ...
The technology of Hiroshi Uyama, a polymer chemistry professor at Osaka University, can absorb water and artificial urine up to 20 times the original weight of the substance. “I previously ...