There may be another woman sitting on the trial court bench in Somerset County, depending on the election results in May.
A conservative legal group representing Pennsylvania school districts and parents has sued Pennsylvania over rules barring ...
‘Republicans cannot be complacent this time,’ Scott Presler says.
The Pennsylvania Superior Court has upheld the state’s prohibition on felons possessing firearms, rejecting an appeal that cited a 2022 ...
As a coequal sovereign to New Jersey,” Justice Kevin Brobson wrote, “Pennsylvania must honor this decision and refuse to allow NJ Transit to be haled into Pennsylvania courts to defend against private ...
will face his first big challenge this year with the control of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on the ballot. Rothman, who ...
A Pennsylvania doctor can apply to have his medical license reinstated even though less than 10 years have passed since it was automatically suspended due to a drug distribution conviction, the ...
Most states allow cameras in courtrooms. Pennsylvania is one of the few that don’t, along with Delaware, Iowa, Louisiana and ...
Two public school districts and several parents are suing in Pennsylvania in a bid to undo antidiscrimination protections for ...
(WHTM) — The Pennsylvania Superior Court ruled Monday that convicted felons do not have the right to own a firearm, affirming a law already in place. The appeals case was heard after a man in ...
Judges from one of Pennsylvania’s highest courts travelled to Scranton Tuesday to hear arguments on appellate cases that included criminal charges against five current and former Office of Youth and ...
The Superior Court of Pennsylvania recently affirmed a judgment holding Domino’s Pizza vicariously liable for a motorcycle accident involving a franchisee’s delivery driver. Coryell v.