Records includes the following current or recent matches: Sri Lanka A vs Ireland A at Colombo (RPS), Ireland A in Sri Lanka 5th unofficial ODI, Jan 29, 2019 [List A] Sri Lanka A vs Ireland A at ...
Performances in matches that overlap decades are credited to the year in which they occurred - this results in some unknown data, especially in regard to bowling figures Performances in matches ...
The seeds of the Rebellion were planted in the 1870s as Canada settled its vast North West Territories (present ... wisely brought peace and order to the frontier before the flood of settlers.
It was now time for our culinary odyssey to the North West Frontier. We kickstarted our elaborate lunch with the refreshing Aam panna, a perfect thirst quencher. Next came the warm and comforting ...
Frontier Raas was founded by Bansilal Batra in the North-West Frontier Province (present-day Pakistan) with the vision of ...