The franchise underwent a revival in 2020 thanks to new directors, Adil & Bilall. Now, the fourth movie, Bad Boys: Ride or Die, brings Will Smith's Mike and Martin Lawrence's Marcus back for yet ...
As the new year kicks off, there’s drama afoot within the NBA, and I’m not just talking about the war of words between Charles Barkley and JJ Redick, the coach of the Los Angeles Lakers. There’s also ...
it’s hard for new challengers to appear to dethrone Bad Boys for Life. Still, if one blockbuster movie can upend the perception of how big January new releases can be, it can happen again.
His newest movie, Bad Boys: Ride or Die, which sees him reteam with Martin Lawrence, is just the latest step in his career comeback. The movie, which was mostly favored by critics, was praised by ...
Will Smith starrer Bad Boys for Life reportedly became the third-highest-grossing of the year. Read on for more.
with the original Bad Boys double feature available to stream at any time. Sadly, those movies are finally leaving Netflix as we start the new year, but they’ll be back online late next month.
Retired NBA star John Salley, who co-starred alongside Will Smith in three of the four Bad Boys movies, has spoken about working with the actor on set. Salley, 60, appeared in the first two titles ...