Within the Holy Temple in Jerusalem was a menorah, a candelabra with ... they would hide the Torah and bring out the dreidel to play. Hanukkah gelt means ‘Hanukkah money’ in Yiddish.
(Unless you count Clinton rolling a gimmel and taking the whole pot of gelt from the ... the nice chanukkiyah, or menorah in English, and then, you know, the nice dreidel and stuff like that.
Now, one candle on a menorah, or hanukkiah ... which is played with a four-sided top and eating gelt (chocolate coins). To play dreidel, you need a four-sided top as well as coins, gelt, pennies ...
A seven branched candlestick called a menorah was supposed to be ... It's used in a game called dreidel, where you can win some more gelt or lose it all. Every year we light a big hanukkiah ...
and traditional Hanukkah Gelt. There will also be traditional singing, as well as special Hanukkah themed gifts for the children, including LED dreidel glasses, LED menorah head boppers ...
The Tri-Valley is full of events to light the menorah, spin the dreidel, exchange gifts ... Get showered by Hanukkah gelt chocolates, courtesy of the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department, and ...