The next Total War Warhammer 3 DLC starts with new Slaanesh legendary lord Dechala, giving love to the strategy game’s Chaos God of desire.
The Warhammer 40k universe has many factions ... Death Guard Plague Marines, Khorne Berzerkers, or Rubric Marines from the ...
The Goremongers of Khorne are being unleashed on Kill Team and Games Workshop is showing off what they can do!
Blood and Zeal, a new expansion set for the Warhammer 40,000 skirmish game. The expansion includes new card mechanics.
Among the myriad events that dot the history of Warhammer 40,000 ... from Chosen to Khorne Berzerkers to Chaos Terminators. It will take a chunk out of your point budget, but there’s nothing ...
Next week's pre-order releases herald fiery wrath and zeal for Kill Team as the forces of Khorne and the Sanctifiers face off.