A man who was hit on the head with a section of ceiling at a Cape Breton Regional Housing Authority unit has been awarded ...
Jajiktek Seawall Hiking Trail to connect visitors and locals with the island's unique coastal landscapeTourism plays a vital role in Atlantic Canada ...
A true natural beauty, Cape Breton is consistently lauded for its outdoor attractions—sprawling coastline and mountainous vistas among them. To see why the island has earned its share of ...
102 to Truro, then Hwy. 104 to the Canso Causeway that links mainland Nova Scotia to Cape Breton Island. Allow three hours to reach Cape Breton. At this point you need to decide which park ...
HEATHERTON — Nova Scotia’s former finance minister and MLA for Inverness, Allan MacMaster ... in the newly formed federal riding of Cape Breton-Canso-Antigonish. MacMaster defeated Fiona ...
Greg Connell got into running his own tour company in Cape Breton at the right time. But the tourism industry veteran isn’t transporting, accommodating and creating itineraries for just anyone coming ...