Theodore Roosevelt, an avid hunter ... Influenced by early wise-use advocates such as Gifford Pinchot, Roosevelt believed that Nature existed to benefit mankind. In a conserved wilderness ...
Unfortunately for all of us, that history and the nation’s great national forests are all being undermined by the massive ...
Having got my wages in advance in that way, I am now trying to work them out.”¹ GifEord Pinchot, candidate for United States senator at the age of forty-eight, revealed one of the underlying motives ...
Related: Our Editor-in-Chief Interviews Teddy Roosevelt After His Mountain Lion Hunt ... Working feverishly against the four-day deadline, T.R. and National Forest chief Gifford Pinchot converted that ...
and his dismissal of Theodore Roosevelt’s friend, Chief Forester of the United States Gifford Pinchot, which tore the Republican Party apart and drove an inseparable wedge between Taft and Roosevelt.
The forefathers of environmentalism, conservation, and preservation like Gifford Pinchot, John Muir, and Teddy Roosevelt all espoused white supremacist ideas that were often intermeshed with their ...