Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection made ... industrialist and anti-slavery campaigner, and Erasmus Darwin, a doctor whose book ‘Zoonomia’ had set out a radical and ...
Darwin's grandfather, Erasmus, who died in 1802 ... Zoonomia he even developed his own version of "transmutation," as evolution was then called. He did not, though, come up with a theory as ...
That theory, of course, was none other than natural selection, the driving force of evolution. Though scholars have debated just how influential Malthus was in Darwin's thinking, there can be no ...
Darwin’s view here is now amply documented ... selection that is easily and massively documented in the DNA record of evolution. “Variations neither useful nor injurious ...
The other was Erasmus Darwin, a doctor who wrote ... people started paying lots of attention to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, and he carried on adding to and strengthening it.
Alfred Russel Wallace was a great admirer of Darwin and a fellow naturalist. After a variety of zoological discoveries Wallace proposed a theory of evolution, which matched Darwin's unpublished ...
Darwin’s grandfathers — Erasmus Darwin, a physician ... The journey towards his theory of evolution hinged on three primary clues, says Darwin scholar and science historian John van Wyhe.