Scientists have revealed a hidden trigger of lightning that could resolve a centuries-old weather mystery. Earth is struck by ...
The cosmic pinwheel that astronomers feared could one day shower Earth with lethal gamma rays may not be as dangerous as once ...
Astrophysicists understand the origins of most cosmic rays. Any time there is an energetic event in the universe, it's likely to produce a shower of cosmic rays. This can include supernovas ...
Trillions upon trillions of cosmic rays hit the Earth every day. The vast majority of them are blocked by Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field, but sometimes they will strike particles in the ...
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) scares many people as neural networks, modeled after the human brain, are so complex ...
The ÄŒerenkov detectors pick up particles reaching the ground from a cosmic-ray shower, revealing their energy and trajectory; the telescopes expose the development of a shower by detecting the ...
The purpose of the project is to provide a visualization of the characteristics of cosmic ray and gamma ray induced air showers ... displays the tracks of the charged particle sin the air shower.
This 3-D image shows a cosmic-ray muon producing a large shower of energy as it passes through the NOvA far detector in Minnesota. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the ...
Primary cosmic rays hitting the atoms in our atmosphere produce a shower of secondary particles with much lower energies so that most of them will not reach the ground. The average radiation ...