Lately, “cortisol detox” has been a hot topic on social media, with people sharing tips and tricks to reset their cortisol levels. But what does that actually mean, and is it something you need?
High cortisol isn’t a health concern for most people, despite claims you may have seen online. Wellness influencers blame cortisol for a host of ailments, including bloating, fatigue, irritability and ...
Both high and low levels of cortisol -- also known as the "stress hormone" -- can leave you dealing with symptoms that make ...
Cortisol, widely known as the ‘stress hormone’ has been a common topic as people’s stress levels increase. Search engine Google has reported that there was a 557% increase in searches for ...
Daily exposure to pollution, unhealthy diets, and stress leads to toxin buildup, affecting health. Key warning signs needing detox include fatigue, sl ...
They claimed what I might be experiencing wasn’t burnout, as commonly assumed, but rather an addiction to the stress hormone cortisol. This prompted a deeper dive into the mechanisms of cortisol and ...
Alcohol increases inflammation, which places stress on the body, triggering cortisol production. Withdrawal from intoxication also stimulates more cortisol in the bloodstream, Minchen says.
ANSWER: High cortisol isn’t a health concern for most people, despite claims you may have seen online. Wellness influencers blame cortisol for a host of ailments, including bloating, fatigue ...