Read the top of the bar for cats and see which number ... Look at the scale on the 𝒙-axis on this bar chart. It goes up in 2s. Look at the numbers reached by each bar. Computer activities ...
Many options in PROC CHART are ... for each bar SUM Restriction: Values must be uniformly spaced, even if you specify them individually. Restriction: For frequency charts, values must be integers.
Bar charts work exactly the same ... move Monday to the top, and Sunday to the bottom), double-click the relevant axis, and check "Categories In Reverse Order" in the Format Axis pane on the ...
In addition, you can use global statements to modify the axes (including requesting a logarithmic axis), the bar patterns, and the legend, as well as add titles, footnotes, and notes to the chart. You ...
Read the top of the bar for cats and see which number ... Look at the scale on the 𝒙-axis on this bar chart. It goes up in 2s. Look at the numbers reached by each bar. Computer activities ...