Described here are small molecule efforts in the antibacterial and antifungal areas ... in the concentration of the drug target—thus eliminating it as a site of action; changes in molecule ...
An often-overlooked mechanism of gene regulation may be involved in the failure of antifungal drugs in the clinic ... used the known mode of action of fluorocytosine on A. fumigatus as the basis for ...
The experience and recommendations of combinational antifungal therapy for cryptococcal ... giving some information on mechanism of action and principles in combined use of mycotic anti-infectives.
Many of the fungi we know are an essential part of nitrogen and carbon recycling in the environment through their action of ...
An often-overlooked mechanism of gene regulation may be involved in the failure of antifungal drugs in the clinic ... used the known mode of action of fluorocytosine on A. fumigatus as the ...
The FAILSAFE project (Fungal AMR Innovations for LMICS: Solutions and Access For Everyone) is a groundbreaking initiative tackling antifungal drug resistance. The project aims to promote worldwide ...
"For decades, clinicians have relied on a handful of antifungal classes, with few mechanisms of action and significant limitations due to spectrum of activity, drug toxicities, or drug-drug ...
In addition, one of the key issues that characterize the current state of antibiotic drug ... antifungal agents are often classified into three groups, depending on their site of action: the ...